Year 2 of University: Passed

My second year at university has been over for a few weeks now, for longer if you don’t include the work experience month. As such, by the time this posts, I’ll be on a coach  from London’s worst station (Victoria. It’s only narrowly worse than KX) en route back to the grey hills of Yorkshire and Leeds/Harrogate.
To commemorate (did I really say commemorate?) this non-event, I’ve made a short playlist of tracks released in the last year (give or take a few months) that have soundtracked the last three terms at UCA. It’s missing The Streets, Brand New, Marvin Gaye, all of the Boat That Rocked soundtrack and anything from the end of the magazine project, but you get the idea. I’d post the reasoning behind everything, but it doesn’t really matter. Bonus points for spotting me in two of the videos.

Bombay Bicycle Club –How Do You Swallow So Much Sleep

Sigur RosVarúó

Lucy Rose Middle of the Bed

Ben HowardOnly Love

Los Campesinos! By Your Hand

Scroobius PipIntrodiction

Bon Iver Calgary

Johnny Foreigner – You Vs Everything

The 1975S e x (not in Spotify)

So that’s that for another year. Summer comes now in which I need to locate finance through a job and selling my posessions and after that comes a move into the landscape that is South London and the third year of Music Journalism at UCA.

Take care of each other

tgtf: Catchup: Bombay Bicycle Club + Live at Leeds

There’s a chance I forgot to mention that I’d done the writeup from both Bombay Bicycle Club’s Alexandra Palace show and for Live at Leeds Festival (the Live at Leeds photoset is here)

As such, both are here! I know, hardly breaking or in any way exciting news, but it’s archived and pretty. Click the picture of Jack Steadman of Bombay Bicycle Club to go to that review and to see the Live at Leeds review click on Scroobius Pips picture.

Take care of each other

Today: Bombay Bicycle Club and Lucy Rose cover Lana Del Rey

Knowing me Jack Steadman, knowing you Lucy Rose, AHA!

You know Llama del Rey right? The singer that’s managed to make a hell of a lot of a fuss about one song called ‘Video Games‘? Oh it’s so postmoderinfeminist isn’tshelovely isn’tshewonderful. I appear to be one of the only people who’s not on board yet. Of course if this bandwagon produces an EP or album worthy of notice, I’ll pay attention, but right now, she’s got a nice enough voice and one fairly average song.

In the mean time however, an up and coming female star (why do we specify gender again?) who’s really worthy of the notice people are taking of her is Lucy Rose. (written about here) Her contributions to the latest Bombay Bicycle Club album are more than noteable and her solo stuff’s pretty gorgeous too. Combining with the band once more, they recorded a cover of Llama Del Rey’s famous track. I know it’s been online a few weeks and is thus ancient, but I still think it belongs here.

Take a listen…

Take care of each other